The Lion King is the story of a young lion prince living in the flourishing African Pride Lands. When an unthinkable tragedy, orchestrated by Simba’s wicked uncle, Scar, takes his father’s life, Simba flees the Pride Lands, leaving his loss and the life he knew behind. Eventually companioned by two hilarious and unlikely friends, Simba starts anew. But when the weight of responsibility and a desperate plea from the now-ravaged Pride Lands come to find the adult prince, Simba must take on a formidable enemy, and fulfill his destiny to be king.
FREE EVENT – Capacity is limited, reservations highly recommended. Reserve your spot to guarantee entry! Specific seats are first come first served. Doors open at 4:45pm.
FLOOR Section is for KIDS ONLY – Please reserve a floor seat if your child would like a spot on the floor in front of the stage. Note that if you reserve a regular seat for your child they cannot sit on the floor.
Nearly 80 Kent students spread across Grades 5-8th have come together to tell this story to their school, family, and community. We look forward to telling this story for you and hope you enjoy The Lion King!
Run Time: Approx. 45 Minutes, no intermission
Health and Safety Advisories: This production contains a scene with a strobe effect.