Giving Day


KIK—Kentfield Invests in Kids—is the Kentfield Schools Foundation. KIK’s mission is to provide financial support to help maintain consistently excellent educational opportunities for all Bacich and Kent students.

Every Child, Every Grade, Every Day. We are thankful for the enrichment programs that provide valuable experiences for all kids at our Bacich and Kent schools every day. Your contributions directly support enrichment programs like Art, PE, Music, STEM, Library, Social Emotional programs, Spanish, Film, Broadcasting, and Woodshop to name a few.   

KIK Fundraising Goal: This school year, KIK plans to raise $1 million and to do that we kindly ask each family to contribute $1800 per child in the district. We appreciate donations of all sizes and if you feel so inclined to donate more — please do!  

Please consider giving by GIVING DAY: Wednesday, November 9th.

How to Donate: 

You will receive a tax receipt and a car decal to show your support, and be featured on the Family Giving Donor Wall.

Learn more about the impact of your contribution

Thank you for your support of our Bacich and Kent kids!

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KIK or Treat! BOO-Grams

SOLD OUT!!!  Thanks for your support!!

KIK BOO-Grams are all Treats, No Tricks!

KIK BOO-Grams will be delivered (contactless, of course) to a Greenbrae or Kentfield address provided. All candy provided will be nut-free.



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1st & 2nd Grade Family Social

Join your fellow 1st and 2nd grade classmates and families at the KIK 1st/2nd Family Social!

When: 1:00-13:00pm

Where: Hal Brown Park
250 BonAir Road

What: Pizza & Juice

What else: Fun with Schafer!

We are pleased to be able to offer this opportunity to connect our community.  Mark your calendars and keep an eye out for the evite coming soon!


Únase a sus compañeros de clase del primer y segundo grados y a sus familias en la tertulia familiar de KIK!


Dónde: Hal Brown Park
250 Bon Air Road

Se proveerá: Pizza y jugo

Actividades: ¡Diversión con Schafer!

Estamos muy contentos de poder ofrecer esta oportunidad de conectar a nuestra comunidad. ¡Annoten sus calendarios y estén atentos al “Evite” que se enviarán pronto!

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Kindergarten Family Social

Join your fellow Kindergarten classmates and families at the KIK Kindergarten Family Social!

When: 10:00am-12:00pm

Where: Hal Brown Park
250 BonAir Road

What: Bagel Brunch, Juice & Coffee

What else: Fun with bubbles!

We are pleased to be able to offer this opportunity to connect our community.  Mark your calendars and keep an eye out for the evite coming soon!

¡Únase a sus compañeros de clase del jardín de infantes y a sus familias en el tertulia familiar de KIK!

10:00am- 12:00pm

Dónde: Hal Brown Park
250 Bon Air Road

Se proveerá: Brunch de bagel, jugo y café
Actividades: ¡Diversión con burbujas!

Estamos muy contentos de poder ofrecer esta oportunidad de conectar a nuestra comunidad. ¡Annoten sus calendarios y estén atentos al “Evite” que se enviarán pronto!

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5th – 8th Grade Student Social

Attention, 5th – 8th grade Kent Falcons — Join your fellow Kent classmates at the KIK Student Social!

When: 1:15pm (Immediately following dismissal)

Where: Kent blacktop

What: Free Pizza Lunch & Popsicles

What else: A drawing to win exciting prizes!

We are pleased to be able to offer this opportunity to connect our community.  Mark your calendars!

No registration needed.


¡Únase a sus compañeros de clase en la tertulia estudiantil de KIK!

1:15pm (Siguiendo inmediatamente al despido)

Dónde: Asfalto de Kent
Se proveerá: Almuerzo gratis de pizza y
paletas de hielo
Actividades: Un dibujo para ganar emocionante premios!

Estamos muy contentos de poder ofrecer esta oportunidad de conectar a nuestra comunidad. ¡Annoten sus calendarios!

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3rd & 4th Grade Family Social

Join your fellow 3rd and 4th grade classmates and families at the KIK 3rd/4th Family Social!


Where: Hal Brown Park
250 BonAir Road

What: Donut & Bagel Brunch

What else: Fun with Schafer!

We are so pleased to be able to offer this opportunity to connect our community. Mark your calendars and keep your eye out for the evite coming soon!


¡Únase a sus compañeros de clase y familias de 3º y 4º grado en el Social Social Familiar de 3º y 4º de KIK!


Dónde: Hal Brown Park
250 BonAir Road

Qué: Rosquillas y bagels

Qué más: ¡Diversión con Schafer!

Estamos muy contentos de poder ofrecer esta oportunidad de conectar a nuestra comunidad. ¡Annoten sus calendarios y estén atentos al “Evite” que se enviarán pronto!

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