The Kentfield School District depends on the over $1 million KIK Annual Contribution as part of its annual budget. Even with state and local funding, there is a gap in funding for each KSD student. The $1 million+ KIK Contribution helps to bridge this gap—funding needed for our students and schools—and represents approximately 5% of the KSD budget.

As dollars are raised within the current school year, KIK disperses those funds in four installments throughout the year to be used for Bacich and Kent schools. As funds are raised, funds flow real-time directly to the schools:

  • 1st Installment:  October
  • 2nd Installment:  December
  • 3rd Installment:  March
  • 4th Installment:  May



Typical KIK Net Revenues by Campaign
Family Giving Campaign $820,000
Partners in Education Campaign Business Campaign
Spring Auction Event $100,000
Community Events
Fund-a-Need Program*  * see below









*Fund-a-Need dollars are not included as part of KIK Annual Goal. Raised as part of the Spring Auction Event, these dollars fund targeted, small-scale district and school-community needs.

**KIK is a Non-Profit 501(c)3 organization , #EIN 94-2665-683. Administrative / office expenses for 2019-20 account for approximately 10% of total net funds raised. See Tax Form 990.



For a complete KSD Budget overview, please visit Kentfield School District Budget.

For inquiries regarding details on the Kentfield School District Budget and other district-related questions, please contact:

KSD Board of Trustees

Raquel Rose, KSD Superintendent

Michael Ghebregziabher, KSD Business Manager

Raised to Date 2024-25
Donor Families to Date
Bacich + Kent Students Served